
Laser Hair Removal Services

Brazilian Waxing Services | Suwanee | Johns Creek

About Our Laser Hair Removal Service

Focuslight has launched a new series of Vsilk “Collimated Light Beam” diode laser modules for hair removal application. The modules are designed with the target of “efficient and reliable” hair removal and “light and unique” product design. The modular design of the Vsilk products is easy for power scale-up and integration and provides end-users with more efficient, more comfortable, and more reliable hair removal experiences.

More Efficient

By adopting our patented and uniquely designed micro-optics for light collimation, Vsilk modules offer “Collimated light beam” with higher energy density, thus allowing deeper penetration of the skin. Hair removal efficiency can be significantly improved compared to diode laser modules with traditional waveguide design.

More Comfortable

“High peak power, short pulse width” for more comfortable hair removal experience is widely accepted in the industry. Focuslight Vsilk modules are designed with this concept for optimal hair removal experience. With a short pulse width of 10 to 30ms, high energy density can reach the hair follicles and destroy the hair follicles with a burst, making the treatment more comfortable.

One of the best laser hair removal machines in the market now is the 3 Wavelength Diode Laser Hair Removal solution!

This represents the world’s most advanced laser hair removal machine. In the field of epilators, you can only find this unique and innovative device. It has a unique wavelength of 755nm 808nm 1064nm which can work with all skin types and with all kinds of hair type. It features a well designed cooling technology (TEC) that guarantees a comfortable, safe and effective treatment procedure.


Three wavelength Diode Laser Hair Removal

  • 755nm: The 755nm is characterized by more powerful melanin absorption, making it suitable for the light-coloured and thin hair. In this way, this wavelength aims to remove the hair on such areas as eyebrows, upper lip, etc.
  • 808nm: Suitable for almost all hair types, the 808nm can penetrate into the subcutaneous fat tissues as well as deep dermis so as to act on various body parts, making hair removal at any depth realized in an express and thorough way
  • 1064nm: Because the 1064nm possesses the features of lower melanin absorption yet deeper penetration in follicles, it mainly provides solutions for dark hair colour.